The Porta Impresa concealed aluminium frames guarantee a modern look for every environment. Their special function is to ensure that the external or internal masonry is exactly flush with the door leaf. They are painted with either anodising dye or electrostatic powder coating in all RAL colours, with timber finishes, as well as special sable architectural colours of high durability.
Porta Impresa wooden door leaves are made of robust materials that are glued and pressed together using two-component glue. Finishes may vary, as the doors may be lined with either veneer or melamine or painted in a monochrome lacquered colour. They can be delivered before being painted and can subsequently be painted in the same colour as the adjacent walls. The wooden door panels can also be used in openings exposed to outdoor weather conditions, using special outdoor v arnishes.
Porta Impresa has certified hinged door systems with concealed aluminium frames and wooden door panels following soundproofing and fire resistance laboratory tests.
Fire resistance: ΕΙ 30 & ΕΙ 60
Sound insulation: RW 35db / RW37db